The Relationship Between Sleep, Inflammation, And Your Immune System.

You need lots of rest”

I usually end every sick visit with my patients with the above phrase. You are sick – get some rest. Common sense, right? Well, this sensible phrase is also supported by years of scientific research.

One is a research article from Michael Irwin titled “Sleep and Inflammation: partners in Sickness and in Health” which discusses the relationship between the central nervous system, sleep, and the immune system.

The Blue Zone Diet

First things first, I hate dislike the word diet! The word diet (for me) seems like a short-term thing, a quick fix to years of bad food choices and lack of physical activity. It’s time to ditch the false belief in quick fixes and start by gradually focusing on adding healthy foods to your diet and incorporating healthier life choices into your daily routines. The word “lifestyle” best fits this process! Diets are a thing of the past!